February 8, 2024

Saturday Process Painting Class hosted by Stewart Cubley—Online

Want to see if Process Painting is for you? Join us Saturday, February 8, from 10a-1p PT for a $75 trial session.

Stewart has put together some supplies that you can order. But you are fine to work with what you already have (I do!).

Stewart Cubley lives in Portland, Oregon, and spends part of each year on his homestead near Denali Park, Alaska. In 1976, he co-founded The Painting ExperienceSM in San Francisco, an organization devoted to providing direct experiences of the creative process through expressive painting. Stewart currently conducts seminars at learning-based organizations around the world and hosts online courses, classes, and workshops. His method is one of respectful questioning, inviting you to extend yourself into new areas of self-perception through visual expression. He is the co-author of Life, Paint & Passion, Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression (Tarcher/Putnam). You can find him online at www.processarts.com.