Enrollment Closed
February 22-May 31, 2025
Join 100 Days of Process Painting:
A 14 Week Live Painting Class—Online
It’s baaaack! And there’s a special surprise this year!
Enrollment Closed
Join us Saturday, February 8, from 10a-1p PT for a 3-hour process painting class, online, hosted by Stewart Cubley, for $75.

Enrollment Closed
Aphrodite Emerges—2-Day Retreat with Elle Luna and Susie Herrick—Online
Susie Herrick and Elle Luna’s new online event considers how we create more agency and choice in our lives as women, using myth, ancient symbols, storytelling, music, guided visualization, and tarot. Registration includes a dance class with Brycken Olive, a group Tarot reading with Lucy Wurtz, and an optional dynamic meditation with Elle Luna. Spots are limited due to the intimate size of the workshop.
“My speech is imperfect. Not because I want to shine with words, but out of the impossibility of finding those words, I speak in images. With nothing else can I express the words from the depths.”
— C.G. Jung, The Red Book

Enrollment Closed
July 29, 2022-January 13, 2023
The Awakening Breath—A Six-Month Journey through Life, Death and Rebirth
Join us for a six-month journey of opening up the power of conscious breath. This is an advanced course with two Holotropic Breathwork facilitators and has limited enrollment. It will be held on Friday mornings PST, and we begin Friday, July 29, 2022.
it is a serious thing
just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in the broken world.
— Mary Oliver, The Invitation

Enrollment Closed
May 14, 2021—June 3, 2022
Join The White Room:
A Monthly Membership for Creators with Elle Luna—Online
Starting Friday, May 14, 2021 with the conclusion of this year’s #The100DayProject, I will be continuing to offer an ongoing live practice space for our community to gather, learn, and create. Join The White Room for daily, weekly and monthly accountability.
“What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is related only to objects and not to individuals, or to life. That art is something which is specialized or which is done by experts who are artists. But couldn’t everyone’s life become a work of art? Why should the lamp or house be an object, but not our life?”
— Michel Foucault

Enrollment Closed
January 31-May 10, 2021
Bring Back Your Creativity:
A Daily Coaching Program with Elle Luna for 100 Days—Online
Starting Sunday, January 31, together with the kickoff of #The100DayProject, facilitated by my friend Lindsay Jean Thomson, I will be offering a daily 30 minute online space—yes, every day for 100 days!—for you, for all of us, to show up for our creativity together.
“It is not difficult to make things. What is difficult is to reach the place from which we can make things.”
— Brancusi, Sculptor

Enrollment Closed
February 1-July 16, 2021 and August 2021-July 15, 2022
Finish Your Book: A Six Month Book Writing Program with Elle Luna—Online
Do you have a writing project that you’ve long dreamed of completing? Or are you yearning to write more consistently? Join me on a 6-month journey into the heart of your writing practice. We begin February 1, 2021.
“Show up. Show up. Show up.
And after a while, the muse shows up, too.”
— Isabel Allende, Writer

One-on-one Creative Consulting with Elle, on Zoom
One of the things I love most is meeting with artists one-on-one. I believe in honoring the uniqueness of your artistic ecosystem, and I trust in the wisdom of your inner creative force/healer. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know your work.
“I dream my painting and then I paint my dream.”
— Vincent van Gogh, painter