September 2-3, 2022

Aphrodite Emerges: A Tw0-Day Retreat with Susie Herrick and Elle Luna—Online

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to share that the Aphrodite Emerges Retreat will be happening again this year. In this time of urgent need, we call on the energy of many goddesses, one of which is the explosive energy of Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of the volcano whose flames are natural and required to create new lands, which is being asked of us at this time.

We have condensed our 4-day workshop into this two-day retreat to share the process of creating more agency and choice in our lives as women. We begin Friday, September 2nd.

With love, Susie and Elle


The Schedule

Friday, September 2, 4-8PM PT
Saturday, September 3, 10AM-7PM PT

Online, using Zoom

The Retreat Structure

The retreat is limited in size to create a safe space to dive within and really go for it. We will be looking at the training we have inherited as women, the misogynistic belief systems we have unknowingly agreed to, and the internal patterns that keep us from being in love. Using dance, sound, the breath, and group discussion, we will explore misogyny together and work with what comes up in a variety of modalities.

This work grows out of Susie and Elle’s collective work in releasing the claws of patriarchy to unearth the divine feminine.

We look forward to being with you.

"We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That's what I want - to hear you erupting. You young Mount St. Helenses who don't know the power in you—I want to hear you. I want to listen to you talking to each other and to us all: whether you're writing an article or a poem or a letter or teaching a class or talking with friends or reading a novel or making a speech or proposing a law or giving a judgment or singing the baby to sleep or discussing the fate of nations, I want to hear you. Speak with a woman's tongue. Come out and tell us what time of night it is! Don't let us sink back into silence. If we don't tell our truth, who will? Who'll speak for my children, and yours?”

— Ursula K Le Guin, from a commencement speech at Bryn Mawr College, 1986

Retreat Cost: $250

If you feel really called to do this work, don’t let price get in the way. Email one of us, and we will work something out— and