Enrollment Closed

The Awakening Breath: A Six-Month Journey through Life, Death and Rebirth with Andrea Tomasi and Elle Luna—Online

Hi Friends, Elle and Andrea here.

Join us in experiencing the power of conscious breath. For six months, we will use breath and movement to create non-ordinary states of consciousness to rebirth your life—an expanded life—with more capacity, agency, and love.

We begin July 29th, 2022.


What is conscious breath?


If you’ve ever experienced a Pranayama yoga class, you know the benefits of breath regulation. Now imagine Pranayama for an hour, with evocative music that encourages movement, and you can begin to sense how the inner world can be opened up, witnessed, and explored.

Breath can be activating and calming. Our practices will explore both. Often the most overlooked aspects of Breathwork practices are the extraordinary moments of understanding and transformation that happen in stillness, when “nothing” seems to be happening.

The practices will challenge us. They will bring up our resistances, our patterns. And here, we get to notice and observe the impulses and get curious—

  • What is this pattern?

  • What is the belief underneath it? 

  • Where does this belief take me in my life?

The more we learn about what makes us tick—our young parts and past stories—the greater access we have to choice, choice about where we want to live our lives from.

The breath will be an entryway into the four thresholds of birth, as articulated by the co-founder of Holotropic Breathwork, Dr. Stan Grof.

  • “During non-ordinary states of consciousness, many people report their intrauterine experiences in extremely vivid terms… [This map] often serves as a gateway into the transpersonal domain of the psyche.” —Grof, The Holotropic Mind

    What are your primal imprints of Mother? The Great Mother?

    What is your intrinsic sense of the world? What feeling does it evoke in you, if any?

  • “Experiences of BPM II are best characterized by the triad: fear of death, fear of never coming back, and fear of going crazy.” —Grof, The Holotropic Mind

    What decisions have you made in “No Exit” situations?

    How are you with accepting forces greater than yourself?

  • “[This map] is particularly well expressed in the phoenix myth, the fabulous bird of Egyptian legend who at the age of 500 years burns itself on a pyre. Then from its ashes another phoenix arises.” —Grof, The Holotropic Mind

    How aware are you of your rhythms of expansion and contraction?

    How are you with struggle?

  • “People report entirely new ways of appreciating and enjoying their loved ones, the sound of music, the beauties of nature, and the endless pleasures that the world provides for our senses.” —Grof, The Holotropic Mind

    What are your patterns around resolution? Renewal? Are they what you want them to be?

    What are you giving birth to?

The experiences of [Holotropic States] typically have strong mystical overtones; they feel sacred or holy. More precise, perhaps, would be the term numinous, which C.G. Jung used to avoid religious jargon. When we have experiences of this kind, we feel that we have encountered dimensions of reality that belong to a superior order.”

— Stan Grof, The Holotropic Mind


The Practice

Each session will focus on one of Grof’s four maps. Andrea and Elle will open these territories up so that you can begin to find your way with what’s going on for you, tracking what you’re feeling and engaging with what surfaces. We’ll walk through the maps together, incorporating research, art, poetry and sound, and then you will get a chance to drop in on your own (with the group) and explore your own extraordinary inner worlds. Drawing mandalas after each breath session will be an important aspect of integration.

What the program offers:


✓ Learn how to work with your energy rhythms: expansion and contraction

✓ Wake up and witness old patterns that are keeping you stuck

✓ Lean on the power of the group when you might otherwise sabotage your ability to stick with your practices

✓  Learn how to stop acting out your intense feelings on loved ones

✓ Cultivate greater access to choice so you can take action on your heart’s deepest longings

✓ Surround yourself with other like-hearted inner travelers who are waking up to their own agency

✓ Discover the beliefs and imprints you formed at each stage of birth, and how those impact your life now

✓ Discover what you chose to believe—about yourself; about life—at your earliest core wounding

✓ Develop a collection of resources that support your inner child and build your resilience


The Complete Schedule

MAP 01

July 29—9-11:30AM PST
August 12—9-10:30AM PST

MAP 02

August 26—9-11:30AM PST
September 16—9-10:30AM PST

MAP 03

October 7—9-11:30AM PST
October 28—9-10:30AM PST


November 18-20, for an additional fee

MAP 04

December 2—9-11:30AM PST
December 16—9-10:30AM PST


January 13, 2023—9-11AM PST

Course Cost: $1,250

If you feel really called to do this work, don’t let price get in the way. Email one of us, and we will work something out—elleluna@gmail.com and dreatomasi@gmail.com.

About Andrea and Elle


Andrea’s service lies in the awakening of consciousness as the pathway home to wholeness and love. She creates ritual spaces for others to connect deeply to themselves and to nature, so that they may remember their essence and reawaken to life. Andrea’s calling is influenced by her love for the earth, and the transformational times we are in. With over eleven years of experience in Shamanic ritual, Andrea is here to support others in returning to love, and stepping into their unique gifts and purpose. A life-long learner, Andrea is passionate about energy dynamics, relationship on all levels, embodiment and life-force, the magic of presence, the healing power of beauty, and the gift it is to be alive. She is humbled to walk this journey with those who seek to know the mystery and truth of who they are.

Elle Luna is a designer, painter, and writer, and the best-selling author of The Crossroads of Should and Must, and co-author of Your Story is Your Power: Free Your Feminine Voice. She previously facilitated the global art movement #The100DayProject and worked as a designer at IDEO and with teams on apps and websites, including Medium, Mailbox, and Uber. Elle experienced her first Holotropic Breathwork session in 2019 and has awaited the day when she could share the life-giving power of conscious breath with others. Luckily, that day has finally arrived. You can find her online at @elleluna.